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Atari 7800 emulator

Atari VCS 7800

Poslednji iz serije in družine 8-bitnih igralnih konzol Atari 7800. Sistem je naslednica Atari VCS 5200 konzole s preprostejšimi vmesniki, končno združljivostjo s VCS 2600 ter z novim grafičnim čipom, ki pa ga skoraj zares nobena igra ni podpirala, ker so bile vse v glavnem prenesene igre brez polepšav in prilagoditev za novo strojno opremo. Zvočne sposobnosti so bile malo slabše, kot pri starejšemu sistemi 5200. Konzola je zagledala luč sveta v začetku poletja leta 1984. The Atari 7800 ProSystem, or simply the Atari 7800, is a home video game console officially released by Atari Corporation in 1986. It had simple digital joysticks and was almost fully backward-compatible with the Atari 2600, the first console to have backward compatibility without the use of additional modules. The new awesome graphic chip was called Maria. The 7800 was initially released in southern California in June 1984.

Atari VCS 7800 emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik

Atari VCS 7800 emulator with games for download

A= gumb A, Button A

B= gumb B, Button B


F3=izbor, Select

F4=odmor, Pause

F5=R težavnost, R Difficulty

F6=L težavnost, L Difficulty



3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\

4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Atari VCS 7800', shortcut for start is in map ' Atari VCS 7800'

5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800- Jaguar\Atari VCS 7800

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