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Atari Jaguar emulator

Atari je vodil industrijo videoiger v poznih 70-ih in zgodnjih 80-ih. Toda ta prevlada je postala kmalu oddaljen spomin, ki ga v času leta 1993, v času Jaguarja ne srečamo več - Atari se v resnici nikoli ni opomogel od kolapsa igračarske industrije leta 1983, ki je skoraj uničilo industrijo videoiger. Navkljub tehnične dovršenosti nekaj impresivne programske opreme se Jaguar preprosto ni prodajal. Pomanjkanje podpore znanih založnikov, kot so Activision, Electronic Arts, ali Capcom in tretjih oseb so posledično povedla do pomanjkanja novih naslovov iger in Atari je moral bolj ali manj sprejeti poraz. To je bilo leta 1995, v času 'New Kids on the Block', konzole Sony PlayStation in Sega Saturn. Sicer je Jaguar tehnično zelo impresiven. Pet procesorjev prebivajo v treh čipov, dva izmed njih pa posebna (Tom in Jerry), s tretjo pa Motorola 68000 koprocesor. GPU teče na 26.591Mhz in je ocenjeno na 26,591 MIPS (milijonov navodil na sekundo), 64-bitno podatkovno vodilo za komunikacijo in dveh megabajtov hitrega D-RAMa.

Atari led the video game industry in the late ’70s and early ’80s. But this dominance was a distant memory by the time of the Jaguar’s 1993 release — Atari never recovered from the Crash of 1983 that almost killed home gaming in America. Despite claims that its new console was technically superior to its rivals and some impressive software from Atari, the Jaguar simply didn’t sell. A lack of support from third-party publishers such as Activision, Electronic Arts, or Capcom led to an understocked games catalog, and Atari had more or less accepted defeat by the time the new kids on the block, the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn, released in 1995. Technically, the Jaguar was impressive. Five processors reside in three chips, two of them being proprietary (Tom and Jerry) with a third being a Motorola 68000 coprocessor. The GPU runs at 26.591Mhz and is rated at 26.591 MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second). There is a 64-bit data bus for communication and two megabytes of fast-page mode DRAM.

Atari Jaguar emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik

Atari Jaguar emulator with games for download

A=gumb A, Button A

B=gumb B, Button B


F=izbor, OPTION



Celozaslonski način Fullscreen= L-ALT+ENTER


Windows version

1. Atari Jaguar emulator - Windows

2. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\

3. Zagon rograma je v mapi 'Atari Jaguar', shortcut for start is in map 'Atari Jaguar'

4. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800- Jaguar\Atari Jaguar

5. Razpoložjivih je 35 iger, with 35 working games ,,,

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