Colecovision emulator
ColecoVision je druga generacija hišnih video igralnih konzol, ki je izšla daljnega Avgusta 1982. Konzola je ponujala skoraj arkadne zmogljivosti in kakovosti v grafiki in igranju, skupaj z dodatki za širitev osnovne strojne opreme. Sistem je ob izidu ponujal 12 naslovov iger in napovedanih nadaljnih 10. Tako je bilo s časoma približno v celoti izdanih 145 naslovov, kot ROM kartice-Catridge med letom 1982 in 1984. The ColecoVision is Coleco Industries' second generation home video game console, which was released in August 1982. The ColecoVision offered near-arcade-quality graphics and gaming style along with the means to expand the system's basic hardware. Released with a catalog of 12 launch titles, with an additional 10 games announced for 1982, approximately 145 titles in total were published as ROM cartridges for the system between 1982 and 1984.

Windows version
1. ColecoVision emulator - Windows
3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\
4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'ColecoVision', shortcut for start is in map ' ColecoVision'
5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Coleco\ColecoVision