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Apple Macintosh IIci emulator

Apple Macintosh IIci je izboljšan Macintosh IIcx. Ima enako kompaktno obliko s tremi razširitvenimi režami, pri čemer IIci nadomešča hitrejši procesorjem pri hitrosti 25 MHz. IIci je bil eden izmed najbolj priljubljenih in najdaljše živečih Jabolkovih modelov. Za večino svoje življenjske dobe je bil gonilo linije Macintosh. Za kratek čas leta 1989, pred uvedbo 40 MHz Macintosh IIfx pa je bil IIci celo najhitrejši med Mac-i. Z slednjo linijo računalnikov je bilo uvedeno veliko novih izboljšav.

The Apple Macintosh IIci was an improvement on the Macintosh IIcx. Sharing the same compact case design with three expansion slots, the IIci improved upon the IIcx's 16MHz Motorola 68030 CPU and 68882 FPU, replacing them with 25 MHz versions of these chips. The IIci came with either a 40 or an 80 megabyte hard disk. A logic board upgrade was available for IIcx owners. The Quadra 700's case uses the same form factor, and a logic board upgrade was made available for both the IIcx and IIci upon the Quadra's introduction in 1990. The IIci was one of the most popular and longest lived Mac models of all time. For much of its lifespan, it was the business "workhorse" of the Macintosh line.[2] For a short time in 1989, before the introduction of the 40 MHz Macintosh IIfx, the IIci was the fastest Mac available.

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