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Atari VCS 2600 Emulator

Atari VCS 2600 emulator

Atari 2600 prvotno imenovan Atari VCS, je boter sodobnih igralnih konzol, prodan v več, kot trideset milijonov kosov in skupaj z drugimi podjetji na stotine milijonov iger. Kartuše za sistem so bili proizvedeni v treh desetletjih. Konzola je bila predstavljena javnosti 11. Septembra 1977 in leta dominirala trgu. Bila je ena prvih konzol s vstavljimi karticami ROM-Catridge.

In the early 1970’s, video arcade games gained commercial success for the first time. The American public was introduced to Pong, Tank, and other interactive video games which populated amusement parks, bars, and arcades. The games were successful enough to create interest for home versions, so in 1975 Atari released Home Pong and it was a smash hit. Other companies such as Magnavox and Coleco followed suit and released their own dedicated console games. Then in 1976, Fairchild Camera and Instrument introduced the Channel Fsystem, the first cartridge based home video game system. The industry recognized that cartridge systems were the future of video gaming, and began development in that direction. In January 1977, RCA released the Studio II, another cartridge based system, although it only projected in black and white and seemed to be focused on educational titles. Then, on September 11, 1977, the Atari VCS (Video Computer System), th an initial offering of 9 games. Atari sold over thirty million of the consoles, and together with other companies sold hundreds of millions of games. Cartridges for the system were produced across three decades, and there are still new games being produced today. But it almost didn't happen.

Atari VCS 2600 emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik

Atari VCS 2600 emulator with games for download

F1=Vklop/Izklop On/Off

F2= ČB/Barva BW/Color

F4=P1 začetnik/izkušen Novice/Expert

F5=naloži kartico/ load Catridge

F6=F5 Internet

F9=P2 začetnik/izkušen Novice/Expert


F11=vrsta igre/Select

F12=ponovni zagon/Reset


SPC, DEL=strel/Firel

X=desni gumb/right Button

Celozaslonski način Fullscreen= L-ALT+ENTER

Zaslon/Screen=ALT+R, ALT+V, ALT+T

Univerzalna 'Java Script' verzija s večigralsko spletno podporo za vse sisteme, računalnike in telefone ...

Universal 'Java Script' Version with Internet Multiplayer support for all Systems, Computer's, Tablet's and Phone's


1. Atari 2600 emulator - Universale 2. Namestiti je potrebno Javo, you need Java for this emulator. 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\ 4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Atari VCS 2600', shortcut for start is in map ' Atari VCS 2600' 5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari VCS 2600

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