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Atari VCS 5200 emulator

Atari VCS 5200 emulator

Atari VCS 5200, igralna konzola iz leta 1982, kot logičen korak podjetja Atari, ki je razvilo naslednika že rahlo zastarelega VCS 2600 iz leta 1976. Čeprav se konzola, navkljub izjemni strojni opremi, ki je bila sorodna računalnikom Atari 400/800 modelom ni ravno uspela množično tržiti, kot VCS 2600, je navkljub ponudba vseeno eksotična napram konkurenčnim konzolam, kot npr.Intellivision. Game console made 1982 as a logical step from the company Atari, which Atari developed as a successor to the already slightly outdated VCS 2600 from 1976. Although the console, despite the extra hardware capability that has been associated from the computer Atari 400/800 line, was not exactly success to mass market but was still a tender with exotic hardware.

Atari VCS 5200 emulator z igrami za prenos na vaš računalnik

Atari VCS 5200 emulator with games for download




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Windows version 1. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package 2. Atari 5200 emulator - Windows (click download button) 3. Prenesi in razširi vsebino na C:\, copy and extract the content to C:\ 4. Zagon programa je v mapi 'Atari VCS 5200', shortcut for start is in map ' Atari VCS 5200' 5. Pot je/ Path: C:\Emulator\Atari\Atari VCS 2600-5200-7800-Jaguar\Atari VCS 5200 Linux version 1. Atari 5200 emulator - Linux 2. Prenesite Windows verzijo za ROM in BIOS / download Windows version for ROM and BIOS 3: Copy to Home folder and configure ...

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